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Lista de vagas fechadas

País Duração Início Fim Vagas
160 My Culture - Your Culture - Our Culture 8 dia(s) 24-07-2013 31-07-2013 0
150 FORMAÇÂO - Be Aware Create Awareness 6 dia(s) 21-07-2013 26-07-2013 0
141 Peace love and Unity - Street Arts Against Racism 10 dia(s) 20-07-2013 29-07-2013 0
155 CITIZENSHIP CAN BE FUN! 9 dia(s) 20-07-2013 28-07-2013 0
169 ROCK THE CAMP! 9 dia(s) 20-07-2013 28-07-2013 0
117 Living Legends: Block Printing and Turkish Paper Marbling 10 dia(s) 17-07-2013 26-07-2013 5
148 Europe for Citizens 8 dia(s) 07-07-2013 14-07-2013 0
120 Move On 8 dia(s) 05-07-2013 12-07-2013 0
113 YOUNG WINGS 9 dia(s) 01-07-2013 09-07-2013 0
139 Art and Culture in Europe 8 dia(s) 01-07-2013 08-07-2013 4
112 Look, Feel and Capture 11 dia(s) 18-06-2013 28-06-2013 0
130 Green is In 11 dia(s) 10-06-2013 20-06-2013 0
137 What about us? 10 dia(s) 10-06-2013 19-06-2013 0
119 Don't worry, be healthy 10 dia(s) 04-06-2013 13-06-2013 0
171 Good Practices 4 Best Results through Visibility Dissemination and Exploitation 8 dia(s) 29-05-2013 05-06-2013 0
176 Mixchange 10 dia(s) 20-05-2013 29-05-2013 5
133 FORMAÇÂO - Arts Community Environment 9 dia(s) 14-03-2013 22-03-2013 0
193 TC: Mentoring for mentors - Share, focus and learn 4 dia(s) 27-11-2012 30-11-2012 0
109 Eight Intelligences 9 dia(s) 08-10-2012 16-10-2012 0
74 Formação - Promoting Youth Employment - Policy and Action 8 dia(s) 19-09-2012 26-09-2012 0
94 Formação - Roma Youth in Recycling Iniciatives 9 dia(s) 10-09-2012 18-09-2012 3
107 Learn it! Do it! Tell it! 7 dia(s) 10-09-2012 16-09-2012 0
108 The Good Fairy and the Plastic Dragon 9 dia(s) 10-09-2012 18-09-2012 0
100 The message of us 10 dia(s) 07-09-2012 16-09-2012 0
96 Arts fight discrimination 4 dia(s) 06-09-2012 09-09-2012 4
98 Let's smile 9 dia(s) 04-09-2012 12-09-2012 5
95 Coala Zero: Zero emession, zero sugar 13 dia(s) 03-09-2012 15-09-2012 4
101 Let your prejudices remain in the photos 8 dia(s) 03-09-2012 10-09-2012 5
80 Opportunities For Future/Orientation Now (OFF/ON) 7 dia(s) 02-09-2012 08-09-2012 0
99 Riding in nature 7 dia(s) 01-09-2012 07-09-2012 4

Total de 11 páginas

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