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Lista de vagas fechadas

País Duração Início Fim Vagas
433 YE: MultiMusicArt 9 dia(s) 10-04-2023 18-04-2023 1
429 TC: Broken Windows 8 dia(s) 18-03-2023 25-03-2023 0
428 TC: Facilitation skills for inclusive educational activities 9 dia(s) 25-01-2023 02-02-2023 0
426 TC: Let me join! 9 dia(s) 18-10-2022 26-10-2022 0
422 TC: Joyful Leadership 4.0 9 dia(s) 18-09-2022 26-09-2022 0
424 YE: Build ecotopia! 8 dia(s) 16-09-2022 23-09-2022 2
412 TC: Understanding Migration 11 dia(s) 01-09-2022 11-09-2022 4
411 YE: It's time for SDGs 14 dia(s) 11-08-2022 24-08-2022 5
423 YE: CreActive Youth 9 dia(s) 06-08-2022 14-08-2022 0
410 TC: Sports for all yes please! 9 dia(s) 19-07-2022 27-07-2022 3
417 TC: CAFY: Culture Adapted for Youth 7 dia(s) 10-07-2022 16-07-2022 0
421 Nature and Youth 10 dia(s) 06-07-2022 15-07-2022 1
409 YE: Together for SDGs 14 dia(s) 01-07-2022 14-07-2022 5
387 TC: All right for social rights 8 dia(s) 27-06-2022 04-07-2022 0
416 YE: Digit Yourself 10 dia(s) 24-06-2022 03-07-2022 0
393 TC: Empowering Critical Thinking 7 dia(s) 11-06-2022 17-06-2022 0
420 TC: All about Youth 7 dia(s) 07-06-2022 13-06-2022 1
415 TC: European values through photograms 6 dia(s) 11-05-2022 16-05-2022 0
399 TC: Learning and Challenging Emotional Intelligence Outdoors 11 dia(s) 28-04-2022 08-05-2022 -1
397 Seminário: PURPLE GLASSES: FACILITATING WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT 8 dia(s) 03-03-2022 10-03-2022 0
413 YE: Good Food - Youth for health, sustainability and inclusion 10 dia(s) 23-02-2022 04-03-2022 0
396 TC: Quality Management - Quality Volunteering 7 dia(s) 22-02-2022 28-02-2022 0
391 TC: M.I.S.S. to young people: More Information, Safe Surfing 5 dia(s) 14-02-2022 18-02-2022 0
406 TC: ON - MIGRATION, INCLUSION, INTEGRATION 8 dia(s) 23-01-2022 30-01-2022 0
402 YE: UNITED EUROPE FOR ALL!! 8 dia(s) 01-10-2021 08-10-2021 0
404 BUILDING BRIDGES WITH EMPATHY 9 dia(s) 06-09-2021 14-09-2021 0
405 TC: UYUM ( Understand Youth Understand Matters) 7 dia(s) 02-09-2021 08-09-2021 1
403 TC: Neet-working for Social Inclusion 10 dia(s) 30-08-2021 08-09-2021 0
388 YE: Dance UP your life 12 dia(s) 02-05-2021 13-05-2021 6
401 GOOD FOOD: youth for health, sustainability and inclusion 9 dia(s) 03-11-2020 11-11-2020 6

Total de 11 páginas

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