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Lista de vagas fechadas

País Duração Início Fim Vagas
99 Riding in nature 7 dia(s) 01-09-2012 07-09-2012 4
106 Healthy Lifestyles - Making the right choices for a better life 9 dia(s) 31-08-2012 08-09-2012 0
84 How do you say that 9 dia(s) 30-08-2012 07-09-2012 5
75 Social Role Play - SRP as a tool to help us realize who WE are! 8 dia(s) 25-08-2012 01-09-2012 0
76 All the world's a stage 8 dia(s) 23-08-2012 30-08-2012 0
68 Speak for nature 9 dia(s) 22-08-2012 30-08-2012 0
82 New ways of turism 10 dia(s) 22-08-2012 31-08-2012 0
104 Forever young 9 dia(s) 22-08-2012 30-08-2012 6
85 Look Feel and Capture 11 dia(s) 20-08-2012 30-08-2012 4
81 Fly dance 13 dia(s) 19-08-2012 31-08-2012 2
77 Know Your Education 9 dia(s) 17-08-2012 25-08-2012 0
73 Connecting youth through outdoor activities 8 dia(s) 12-08-2012 19-08-2012 0
91 Youth solution about economic problems of Europe 8 dia(s) 07-08-2012 14-08-2012 5
103 Sports - a tool to promote social inclusion 12 dia(s) 06-08-2012 17-08-2012 -37
93 Let's play games in the street 8 dia(s) 05-08-2012 12-08-2012 6
86 Young Colours are Dancing on Water 10 dia(s) 03-08-2012 12-08-2012 8
78 What is your role? 6 dia(s) 01-08-2012 06-08-2012 4
105 Summer street party 9 dia(s) 01-08-2012 09-08-2012 0
65 Stable art movies 8 dia(s) 29-07-2012 05-08-2012 0
66 What to do against racism?! - Conversation, Exchange and Action 8 dia(s) 29-07-2012 05-08-2012 0
67 Play music for nature 9 dia(s) 22-07-2012 30-07-2012 5
60 Alter-Eco 10 dia(s) 18-07-2012 27-07-2012 7
64 Mission possible 8 dia(s) 15-07-2012 22-07-2012 4
69 Express YOU - Youth Originality Unity 8 dia(s) 15-07-2012 22-07-2012 2
71 Beyond the mental barriers 11 dia(s) 12-07-2012 22-07-2012 6
62 Youth built legendary Europe 8 dia(s) 09-07-2012 16-07-2012 0
63 Camp of creativity 9 dia(s) 08-07-2012 16-07-2012 0
70 Build your future 8 dia(s) 07-07-2012 14-07-2012 0
61 Your life matters; stop smoking 6 dia(s) 05-07-2012 10-07-2012 5
83 You can change it – Degistirebilirsin 8 dia(s) 03-07-2012 10-07-2012 0

Total de 11 páginas

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