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Título: Stable art movies

Tema: Inclusão de jovens desempregados

Duração: 8 dias de 29-07-2012 a 05-08-2012

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 4

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 20

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Alemanha, Bulgária, Letónia, Portugal

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: Arte, cultura, consciência europeia e mais... Este intercâmbio na Alemanha quer pôr a Juventude em Ação, numa Europa em que os números do desemprego de jovens cresce vertiginosamente. A integração europeia e a cooperação entre jovens cidadãos da Europa serão explorados com atividades inesquecíveis.

Objectivos: This project aims is to create European awarness and European Citizenship among the participants. They will get a first experience of meeting other European young people in an intensive way and be encouraged to be part of the european community and learn about the diversity and uniformity of the cultures and history in Europe through movies and the different methods of our exchange - like an intercultural evening, games and presentations. We will not only create European awareness among the young participants but also in the local community. One of the points in the program will be a final movie and music festival, where the local community will also be involved.

Alojamento: The participants will be accommodated in a renovated traditional farmhouse in a small village in the middle of Germany. They will use shared rooms with toilets and shower. This property has enough space to hold the workshops and implement the festival. The equipment for making the movie will be hired and/or provided by local artists and moviemaker who want to participate as volunteers.

Perfil: One of our selection critirias for the participants is, that at least the half of them will be young people with fewer opportuinities with a special emphasis on unemployed youth.

Visita Antecipada de Planeamento

Duração: 2 dias de 15-06-2012 a 17-06-2012

País: 154

Cidade: Bechstedt

Participantes portugueses 1 Líder

Our project meets several priorities of the 'Youth In Action' program; one of main themes is European Citizenship.We hope to learn a lot from this exchange about international youth work and cooperation.
The exchange will be focused on three topics: european awareness, art and culture and inclusion of unemployed young people (at least half) through making a movie.
The learningprocess will be reached through informal learning
Our methods are a wide range of informal learning methods.
The youngsters learn through acting, filming, intercultural dialogue.

Download: Programme_Stable art movies.doc

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