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Título: All the world's a stage

Tema: Jovens desempregados

Duração: 8 dias de 23-08-2012 a 30-08-2012

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 24 anos

Jovens portugueses: 6

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 35

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Bulgária, Espanha, Eslovénia, Portugal, Itália

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: O mundo é um palco: o teu. Este intercâmbio destina-se a jovens desempregados. O desemprego é um dos grandes problemas da Europa atual. Ao todo, os 35 participantes, irão através da representação e do teatro adquirir novas capacidades para desenvolverem as suas capacidades e adquirirem novas competências para enfrentar o mundo do trabalho. Jovens da Eslóvenia, Bulgária, Espanha e Portugal irão reunir-se em Celje, na Eslóvenia.

Objectivos: Main result of the project is development of the competences for future employment through the theatre play and through role playing. Other results of the project are development of non formal education through culture, active participation, raising awareness about main social problems of youth (alcohol, cigarettes, inclusion, discrimination,...) and development of active citizenship of youth.

Alojamento: Participants will stay in our hostel: http://www.mc-celje.si/en/Hostel_description_1/

Descrição: Multilateral youth exchange "All the world's a stage" focuses on the one of the most critical challenges that youth are facing - unemployment.

35 participants of the project, which will last from 23.8.2012 until 30.8.2012 in Celje, will within the theatre activites, develop competences for future employment. Young people from Slovenia, Portugal, Bulgaria and Spain will develop cultural dialogue among themselves, will be part of non formal education and will actively create environment for European awareness and participation.

Material Necessário: Language:
Knowledge of basic English language for easier communication is desirable. All
communication will be in English and in no other language!
Things to bring with you:
Swimsuit – for swimming
Snickers – for hiking
Photo cameras
Food specialties for first intercultural night, where each organization will prepare
traditional county’s dish!
All participants and their organizations have to arrange for participants
European health insurance card!

Download: PROGRAM exchange - All the world's a stage - ang.doc

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