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Título: Connecting youth through outdoor activities

Tema: Educação através do desporto e jogos

Duração: 8 dias de 12-08-2012 a 19-08-2012

Idades dos participantes: Dos 13 aos 17 anos

Jovens portugueses: 11

Líderes portugueses: 2

Número total de participantes: 52

Idioma: Francês

Países participantes: Bélgica, Portugal, Roménia, França

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: Jovens de extractos sociais diferentes, com bagagens culturais diferenciadas reunem-se na Bélgica para um encontro repleto de atividades desportivas e jogos variados. Soa-te bem esta descrição então este é o teu intercâmbio. Vem conhecer novas pessoas e ainda desenvolver a tua prática desportiva.

Objectivos: We’re always striving to have mixed groups of participants, so as to really offer ‘inclusive’ youth work. We believe that doing so offers young people a genuinely rewarding time, learning them to live together as a group, respecting each other’s individuality.

Alojamento: 1.Host organization

Kena will take care of the food, accommodation, insurance (on camp), equipment, materials/tools and administration.

We will rent a beautiful domain with a lot of space. The adress: Heuvelsven 1, 3650 Dilsen-Stokkem, Belgium

If you're curious to see how it looks, you can find pictures on facebook:


Perfil: The idea is an exchange program in which the common language is French, so all the perticipants have to be able to speak and understand this language.

This project can include young people with fewer opportunities.

Descrição: It's an international camp for youths between the ages of 13 and 17, in Flanders (Belgium). Sports and games are used as a tool for a meeting of young people from differing social, economical and cultural backgrounds. The exchange would last for eight days, between, August 12th and August 19th 2012.

The central themes are always ‘inclusive youth work’ on one hand, and ‘sports and outdoor activities as a tool for building social cohesion and participation of youths’ on the other.

3.The programme

a) We would like that each partner prepares an 3 hour activity wich is a bit "typical" for your country. It can be a sport, dance session, a game, something to potter, an evening game, etc. Try to find something "special".

We would also like to know what kind of activity you have prepared with your group, so we can see where we put it in the programme.

b) When you need certain materials for the programme, let us know. We are specialized in doing summercamps, so we already have a lot of sport- and game materials like different kind of balls, paper, pencils, tape, paint, scissors,... We would like to know what you need for your activity.

When there are requirements we don't have, Kena will see if we have enough budget to buy it.

4.Mode of life

We would like to introduce some rules on camp. Most of them are very common, but we wanted to express these explicitly.

- The camp takes place on a beautiful site where smoking is not allowed.

- We work with youth who are younger than 16, so we don't permit to drink.

- When all activities are over (at 22h30), everyone is quiet. On the one hand because of Belgian legislation (it has to be quiet after 22 o'clock), on the other hand we have the experience that youngsters need their rest.

- We wear a sportive outfit: a short and gym shoes. This is important for the youngsters with fewer opportunities: We don't want to distinguish people because of there clothing style or lack of the "coolest brands" in there wardrobe. It's important for the group feeling that everyone is accepted.

- On camp the dynamic of the group is more important than having a boy/girlfriend. Friendship is more significant. We don't want to support relationships among youngsters on camp.

5.Introduce the group leader

The responsible Belgian group leader is Geert Van De Laar. He suggests to get to know the other group leaders before the start of the project. He would like to exchange some personal information between the other group leaders, f.e.: name, age, study and profession, experiences with YIA, experiences with youthetc.

Material Necessário: We need to justify of all travel costs. So it's important that you keep all the documents with you, to give it to our Belgian responsible when you arrive.

Download: Program Connecting youth through outdoor activities - Youth Exchange.docx

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