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Título: Mixchange

Duração: 10 dias de 20-05-2013 a 29-05-2013

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 5

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 36

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Estónia, Lituânia, Polónia, Itália, Hungria

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: THE TOPIC OF EXCHANGE: Our youth exchange’s topic comes from the youth intercultural learning. We would like to achieve this programme on unconventional way. During the ten days of our exchange the participating countries will present cultural elements in a different way. The participants will introduce not our country’s habits but another participating country’s culture. We believe that the participants to perceive themselves into their role,can be increase many times over the different cultural understanding and acceptance. Every participating country will have 3-3 opportunities to present folk dances, folk songs, dishes and craftwork of an other nation. One of our plans is to make a short performance from the dances and the songs what they learnt before all together.

During the ten days of our exchange, involves 6 nations of young people (Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Hungary, 5 participants +1 team leader from each nations), that it
means 36 participants all together. They will share their cultural trait with this innovative method.

Objectivos: Our goal of the exchange is the participations will try to another nation’s cultures particularly in order to strengthen the social cohesion in the European Union as well as mutual
understanding and respect. The young people participate in an intensive learning process.

They will have chance to meet another countries and cultures, thereby they can develop their selfs and their personality. In this way, they will learn more empathy, tolerance and solidarity and they will realize to European values and common belonging. During the ten days the youth can develop their readiness and competence and it will help to their to able to thinking in European level not only national level.

Alojamento: HUNGARY Balaton Youth Camp

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