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(Valga County)


Título: Know Your Education

Tema: Educação

Duração: 9 dias de 17-08-2012 a 25-08-2012

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 26 anos

Jovens portugueses: 4

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 30

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Estónia, Portugal, Letónia, Bulgária, República Checa, Turquia

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: O tema central é a Educação. As atividades neste intercâmbio desnrolam-se em torno deste tópico vai ser pedido aos participantes que se organizem em grupos e realizem workshops para os restantes colegas. Interessa-te? Começa já a pensar num tema para propores num destes workshops.

Objectivos: There's a school reform going on in Estonia but nobody likes it much. So, we want every group to prepare an introduction to the educational system in their country. After we could analyse the differences. Later we'll have a workshop to find out the best solutions for Estonia and at the end of the project we hope to visit our Ministry of Education which is in Tartu.
The other side of our project is practical education and getting more acquainted with our cultures. As a practical workshop we think about going to an orphanage and painting china with them. Of course there will be some sportive activities.

During the week we are going to get acquainted with the systems of education in our countries through presentations, discussions, visiting local NGOs and families. Our aim is to work out suggestions for school and university student councils and Ministry of Education.

Of course, we want also to raise the cultural awareness. To achieve that there will be cultural nights, home accommodation for one night and Estonian folk evening where you can learn our national dances and listen to live music.

Alojamento: During the project we stay in Peedu which is located in southern Estonia. You will be accommodated in camping houses, next to them is a small and nice pond and some sport facilities. Please take your bedclothes with you as there are only blankets and pillows!

Visita Antecipada de Planeamento

Duração: 2 dias de 27-07-2012 a 29-07-2012

País: 151

Cidade: Peedu

Participantes portugueses 1 Líder

Descrição: The topic of the exchange is education.
From each group we wait the presentation of local organisation and its activities, the presentation of educational system, preparing for intercultural and national evening (firstly food and drinks, for the second music, dances, quizes and everything else you find important to introduce your country). Plus, every group has to lead one workshop. Please start to think already what kind of workshops you'd like to organise having "cultural learning", "creativity" and "education" as headwords in your mind.

Material Necessário: In order to have as interesting workshops and to be as effective as possible we ask every group to do some homework.

1) Please prepare a presentation of the system of education in your country

2) Every group has to prepare in cooperation with some other country a workshop about educational topic

3) Prepare for the national evening (presentation, quiz, play, dances, games etc)

4) Be ready to lead some ice-breaking games

5) As you are going to be accommodation in a local family for one night, please bring something from your culture to the family

6) Bring some food/drinks for the international evening

Download: timetable know your education.doc

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