Título: Camp of creativity
Tema: Criatividade
Duração: 9 dias de 08-07-2012 a 16-07-2012
Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos
Jovens portugueses: 5
Líderes portugueses: 1
Número total de participantes: 36
Idioma: Inglês
Países participantes: Malta, Hungria, Alemanha, República Checa, Estónia, Portugal
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.
Resumo: O desenvolvimento da criatividade é o principal propósito deste intercâmbio que vai ter lugar na Estónia.
Muitas atividades workshops variados um mesmo objetivo: incentivar o lado criativo de cada participante! Os principais são teatro, dança, música e fotografia. Ainda te faltam razões para participar?
Objectivos: The main purposes of our project is to encourage people to be more active and have more courage to create and perform.
Perfil: Youngsters have to be in age 18-25.
Visita Antecipada de Planeamento
Duração: 2 dias de 25-05-2012 a 27-05-2012
País: 151
Cidade: Maidla
Participantes portugueses 1 Líder
Descrição: Youth Exchange Project called “Camp of creativity”, is going to have 36 participants from 6 different countries and it is going to be in Maidla/Estonia . The Project’s main goal is to develop youngsters creativity. We have lots of activities, interesting workshops and information lessons. We also have included lot of games.
The project will be held in Estonia, Ida-Virumaa county, Maidla.
The main workshops are: drama, dance, music and photography.
At the end of the project there will be show of what each workgroup had learned turning this week for local people who live near the Maidla area. One day there will be a tour to discover local nature and people also.
Our Project will take place in a village. We will do creative workshops. We search creative youngsters.
One day there will be a tour to discover local nature and people also. During the exhange in the morning will be workshop which will be orgnized by different partner every day. In the afernoon there will photography, dance, music and drama workshop. We organize instructors. The end of this week, each workshop will show to local people what they have learned turing this week. In the evening there will be cultural evenings.
Download: program.docx