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Título: Your life matters; stop smoking

Tema: Saude

Duração: 6 dias de 05-07-2012 a 10-07-2012

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 5

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 12

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Roménia

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: Porque a tua saúde vale muito, pára de fumar! A saúde é o tema central deste intercâmbio que vai ter lugar em Craiova, na Roménia.
Temas como a saúde, desporto, ambiente e cidadania vão ser abordados neste intercâmbio sempre de forma lúdica. Este projeto pretende ainda a participação ativa de jovens romenos com os participantes deste intercâmbio.

Alojamento: The participants will be accommodated in a 3star youth hostel where they will also have their meals. The paxes will share double rooms. The hostel is located 15 minutes away by foot from the city center and belongs to the University of Craiova. There is heat and cold and hot water running 24/7. No bed linen is available, that is yours to bring. Meals will be served at the restaurant of the hostel, and the conference room is located in the building on the left of the hostel.

Perfil: The participants have to be between 18-25 (apart from the leader who can be over 25).

Your life matters: stop smoking! is an International Youth Exchange that will actively involve 42 young people for 6 days in Craiova (Dolj county, Oltenia Region), who will develop themes concerning health and sports activities, environment, participation and active citizenship. The project has as main aim the involvement, active participation and cooperation between Romanian and foreign youngsters and to engage them in positive healthy activities.

The activities will be based on non-formal education, a learning and training process, operating outside the routines of the formal educational system. It will be based on the learning by participation methodology, taking into account the participants’ needs and interests. The acquisition of new skills an knowledge will be not a neutral, invisible process, but it will be flexible, combining experience and theory. It will encompass involvement, exchange of experience and knowledge and it will require willingness to giving and receiving support. This methodology provides the participants with the skills and the ability to act and aims to cultivate empowerment and growth. The methods employed over the 6 days of the will be: visual presentations, games and role plays, study visits, street performances, cultural visits and trips.

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