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Título: TC: Into the look of differences

Tema: fight against discrimination to show the richness of our differences through the creation of video, photo and visual art materials

Duração: 6 dias de 02-12-2024 a 07-12-2024

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos

Jovens portugueses: 3

Líderes portugueses: 0

Número total de participantes: 3

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: The Trianing will gather 20 young people (+18y.o) supported by 2 trainers who will present, through expression and creation workshops, different approaches and different points of view abpout the richness of our differences.

Through this training we aim to strengthen the role of youth organizations as actors initiatives on collective construction and doing together.

Arrival day: 02/12/2024
Departure day: 07/12/2024

Objectivos: Discrimination is an action or decision that has the effect of treating a person in a negative way because of differences, whatever it may be (gender, age, disability, culture, etc.). There arevarious forms of discrimination, the effect of which is to exclude someone, deny them certain advantages or impose certain requirements. But the question is: do we want a world where weare all the same, or a society where differenceis our strength?

By using artistic expression as a medium for healing and awareness, we want to foster an environment where participants can explore complex issues like discrimination and social barriers. The focus on inclusivity —inviting people of all artistic backgrounds—ensures diverse perspectives, enriching the creative process.
Equipping participants with skills to lead intercultural workshops is a good way to extend the initiative’s reach.
It empowers individuals to share their experiences and insights, promoting dialogue and understanding within various communities. The combination of art and intercultural engagement can truly inspire change and build bridges between different cultures.

The training consists of two stages: initial artistic and technical training followed by hands- on creation.
Facilitators will guide participants to work autonomously, emphasizing non-formal education methodologies. Key approaches include collective and creative intelligence, collaborative working, experiential learning, and reflection.
Innovative and participatory methods will foster a dynamic group environment based on trust and respect.
The project's impact and outcomes will be disseminated through an exhibition evening, documentary film, press coverage, and a post-training report.

Alojamento: Accommodation incollectives rooms, food and training materials are provided.

Travel reimboursement is providedup to the erasmus+ limits grants.

Perfil: Comparticipant profile (> 18 yo ):youth workers, joung people experience in mobility project

Descrição: The association works towards:

the voluntary participation of all in social life – at local, national and international levels, a local development respectful of the individual, the enviorment and cultural heritage, intergenarational, intracultural, intercultural and international meetings and exchanges tanglble peace-building actions, reflection, practices and proejcts in the field of environemntal education in line with a sustainable development approach.

Material Necessário: Your sleeping bag and pillow case
Your towel and toiletries
Some specialties from your country to share with the group during the international aperitif
Ideas for collective games and energizers
Your energy and your good mood!

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