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Título: YE: Against violence through art

Tema: Empowering youth; equitable society; empathy; art; culture; self-expression

Duração: 9 dias de 11-11-2024 a 19-11-2024

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 5

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 30

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Itália, Letónia, Turquia, Grécia

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: Arrival date: 11th November
Departure date: 19th November

Objectivos: The project aims to power up the voices and raise awareness of young people from different countries against youth violence through different artistic methods such as photography, painting, animation, and theatre to share the stories and experiences of these youth with the world. The project also provides opportunities for dialogue and collaboration among the youth and other stakeholders, creating a platform for mutual learning and support. This exchange is a great opportunity to bring together youngsters from 5 European countries and to raise our issue on the European level to make a bigger and wider impact onthis very important topic.
We give high importance to the three keywords that represent our general objectives:
With their participation, we would like to ENGAGE young people in this very important topic in order to have a meaningful continuation of this project by returning to their hometowns.

with their participation, we would like to CONNECT toung people to work together on one of the most important topics affecting our everyday lives. Though this project, we would like to encourage them to active participation, take our ideas into action and strengthen the idea of thinking globally, acting locally.

With their participation, we would like to EMPOWER them to become active citizens of Europe with experience, knowledge, ideas, good practices, self-esteem...etc to go back with confidence and willingness to spread awareness in their community.

Perfil: Age: 18-25.
The working language will be in English. So, at least moderate English knowledge we expect from the participants in order to follow a smooth communication, but in case lack of language knowledge the group leader or other participants should support the participant.
You don't need to have any specific skills.

Descrição: Activities that we plan to implement are:
- Get to know each other activities, team building games;
- Presentation, discussion, and working group with a psychologist;
- Self-expression through photography as a method to raise awareness against youth violence led by photographer;
- Intercultural and Greek night
- The theatrical workshop led by an actress and the participants will prepare a short simple performance about theme
- Animation workshop led by a professional animator and the participants will create short animation video with title ´´A smile can hide so much pain´´;
- Working groups on the theme of different types violence like bullying, gender-based violence, physical domestic against youth, gang-cyber economic violence...etc;
- Painting workshop led by a painter, paint as method for art therapy reducing stress and tensions;
- Night Movie;
- Survey activity
- Rock painting
- Setting up an exhibition from the photos and paintings for the locals

Material Necessário: As for the task -related preparation:
- we would like to involve you and ask you to prepare some team building games, energizers;
- to prepare short presentation about your country, region that will be shown and presented in the intercultural evenings. (ProAtlântico will provide the presentation)
- to make research about some topics that will be defined in the preparation phase in oreder to acquaint each ouher about this issue and to bring an international dimension to the project.

What to bring:
Bring some information about your organization/ town / region / country.

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