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(Artieda, Navarra)


Título: TC: The Labyrinth of Limits

Tema: game, society, today's challenges

Duração: 8 dias de 25-10-2023 a 01-11-2023

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos

Jovens portugueses: 1

Líderes portugueses: 0

Número total de participantes: 8

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Espanha, França, Holanda, Alemanha, Eslovénia, Finlândia, Itália

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: The Labyrinth of Limits is a Game is based on the Game Based Learning (GBL) model and the Holistic Head-Heart-Hands (HHH) framework. It has been designed to creatively address the challenges of the necessary ecosocial transition.
The ecosocial crisis that defines our present involves all of us: citizens, public decision-makers, civil society and its organisations, the academic community, etc. As society, we face a difficult challenge: how to make our societies, our economies and our cultures meet human needs without overstepping our ecological boundaries and within a framework of social justice and inclusion. These crises have a direct impact on Youth across Europe, who will have to manage in the near future many of today's challenges ( climate change, economic crises, loss of biodiversity, consequences of war).
This Game is a tool which invites participants to own their future. Through multiple tests, dilemmas, experiences, simulations and role-plays, you will experiment, create and choose different ways of facing the challenges presented to you, in a collective and collaborative way.
This 6 day role play game invites you to live the process of social transformation, accepting the limits of the planet with...its challenges… unexpected encounters… dilemmas and riddles… tools and knowledge… shocks and surprises… support and solidarity… concerns and joys.
The game allows us to pretend and adopt different roles or characteristics, thus exploring lesser-known places of our being, as individuals and as a group.
Youth workers and youth leaders attending this Labyrinth of Limits – GBL - HHH training acquire different skills:
* An understanding of designing activities for young people through GBL Play.
* A framework for addressing and sharing boundaries: boundaries of the planet, boundaries of resources, boundaries of relationships and coexistence.
* Use of the GBL process for skills development in organisations.
* In-depth understanding of the HHH Head, Heart and Hands framework and its applicability in educational design.
* Group facilitation skills.
* Content, methods and tools for working in Networks, Groups and Organisations, playing and learning to manage struggles and challenges from a playful energy.

Arrival: 25th October
Training: 26-31 October
Departure: 1st November

Objectivos: This training is aimed at youthleaders and youthworkers, it uses the methodology of the Labyrinth of Limits, a life action game.
Participants will experience the game, while at the same time taking a meta-position as game design leaders.

Perfil: You are a youth leader or a youth worker
- You are living in one of the following countries or your nationality is from one of the following yountries: Spain, Portugal, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Slovenia, Finland, Italy
- You are available for the full training
- Age: +18

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