(Cruz Quebrada)
Título: TC: Sports for all yes please!
Tema: Sports Adapted for People with Disabilities
Duração: 9 dias de 19-07-2022 a 27-07-2022
Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos
Jovens portugueses: 3
Líderes portugueses: 0
Número total de participantes: 27
Idioma: Inglês
Países participantes: Portugal, Lituânia, Espanha, Roménia, Turquia, Hungria, Grécia, Letónia, Reino Unido
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.
Perfil: +18
Descrição: We aim to equip organizations with tools that enable them to work with young people with disabilities, supporting their integration into society, promoting equality through the promotion of sports activities adapted to their physical, sensory and mental conditions.
The training is aimed at youth workers (with and without disability) and aims to promote the sport activity adapted to people with disabilities or incapacity through reflection, workshops, group dynamics, field visits and sports practice (Boccia, Slalom, Goalball, Volleyball, Athletics, etc.