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(Errenteria / Donostia-San Sebastián)



Tema: Gender equality and women’s empowerment in youth field.

Duração: 8 dias de 03-03-2022 a 10-03-2022

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos

Jovens portugueses: 3

Líderes portugueses: 0

Número total de participantes: 30

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Roménia, Letónia, Hungria, Grécia, Itália, Estónia, Bulgária, Croácia, Alemanha

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: The project Purple glasses: facilitating women’s empowerment is a seminar to address gender equality and the empowerment of women among young people. Through this project, youth workers or youth leaders acquire tools to work educationally from a gender perspective with our target group that are young people. In this way, we will develop different competencies while raising awareness about the issue and value of the empowerment process in young women. We live in a sexist society and with great gender inequalities. We all know what gender equality is and the concept of feminism is becoming more normalized, but unfortunately there is still a long way to go. There is no real gender equality.

Equality is a human and universal right; and so also gender equality. It is a transversal issue that must be worked on and integrated into all the fields of society.
Therefore, we see that it is a topic that must continue working and mostly with young people, boys and girls. Precisely in education, in youth is where we want to emphasize. We believe it is essential to work on the empowerment of young women as a resource and tool to address this inequality.

In this way, through this project, we will have spaces to exchange good practices and learn from our different experiences. We will reflect on how we carry it out with
young people. Is it an issue that we take into account? How do we do it? What roles do we have towards youngster?ese and many other questions we can reflect and share in a multicultural space. In this way, we will know other realities and exchange our own experiences and resources.
In addition, at the end of the Seminar, with the resources and tools acquired, we will carry out small projects by groups that follow these objectives and thus be able to carry them out in their organizations or communities in the future. During the week, we will work with a non-formal methodology, with dynamics, debates, small group work, games, creative presentations, expression exercises and project creation.

This is not a training course, so please do not expect theoretical sessions, but exchanging opinions, thoughts, experiences, competencies between all the participants

Departure: 3st

Objectivos: - Raise awareness about the problem of gender inequality and sexism.
- Encourage the use of the gender approach and perspective in working with young people.
- Learn and exchange different and new tools, techniques, methodologies, projects
and experiences to work with young people on gender equality.
- Know resources, opportunities and initiatives that promote gender equality among young people at European level.
- Promote empowerment, especially women’s empowerment, as an educational element in the field of non-formal education in working with young people.
- Develop different skills and competencies in the participants such as: creativity, initiative, organization, social skills, as well as digital skills.
- Promote equality and cultural diversity.
- Encourage and promote reflection on the development of skills of the / as youth workers within the ERASMUS + program.

Perfil: - Over 18 years old and no top age limit.
- Youth workers (professional or volunteers)/youth leaders/ educators/teachers…
- Or any person related with the youth field and interested to learn.
- Or actively involved in work with groups of youngsters.
- Able to understand and express themselves in English (and it will be appreciated a basic level of Spanish)
- Eager to gain new skills and competences.
- Each partner organization involved in the project must gather and send the participants well aware of the topic and with some previous tasks done

Descrição: So please understand that your commitment to preparing the sessions will directly impact the exchange and the quality of the seminar. These are the things you are expected to bring/prepare. Each country (or organization) will be asked to prepare and facilitate:
- 2 Energizers

- Prepare a presentation of your experience and good practices working in the youth field related to the aim of gender equality and women’s empowerment (projects, methodologies, techniques…) at local, regional or national level. You will have maximum 15 minutes for country group and you can do it however you want (Prezi, Powert Point, videos, theatre, etc…).
- Prepare a short presentation about the situation of gender equality in your context, your region or country. You will have maximum 15 minutes for country group and you can do it however you want (Prezi, Powert Point, videos, theatre, etc…).
- Prepare a short presentation/explanation of your sending organization in digital format to share. You can bring also flyers, stickers, posters…
- Euronight/cultural evening: We would be glad to try different delicious stuff from your countries. If you’d like to give a presentation on your country/culture, you will have maximum 15 minutes for each country group but you won’t have the support of computer or screen.

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