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Tema: The proposed project is aimed at any youth work practitioners (youth workers, youth leaders, NGO staff members, volunteers etc.), interested in learning and developing their level of intercultural sen

Duração: 8 dias de 06-12-2019 a 13-12-2019

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos

Jovens portugueses: 2

Líderes portugueses: 0

Número total de participantes: 28

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Bulgária, Croácia, República Checa, Estónia, Grécia, Hungria, Itália, Lituânia, Macedónia, Malta, Roménia, Suécia, Reino Unido

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Objectivos: The proposed project was written with the aim of equipping participants (here: people actively engaged in working with youth in any capacity: youth workers, facilitators, coordinators, volunteers, group leaders, etc.) with the necessary knowledge, understanding and experiences to break beyond the constructs of culture being intrinsically linked to nationality. We will consider various forms of culture, including age, gender, race, religion, beliefs, politics, nationality, ability, language, economic background, family, sexuality, music, dress and food, creating an understanding that nationality isn't the most important thing when thinking about culture.

- Develop understanding of multitude of different cultural differences held within Europe, from international - local - small groups - individual.

- Learn to recognise that nothing defines us specifically. We are made up of so many aspects of different identities. We have more in common than we think - even though our differences are so vast.

- Break down stereotypes related to nations, aesthetics and religion by exploring our own identifying aspects and those within the areas we live and work.

- Develop a deeper sense of European citizenship by moving away from the focus of nation states defining culture to recognising that we are one Europe, even one world.

- Consider creating a new type of 'intercultural evening' to be undertaken during E+ events

All of the above stem directly from the overall objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme and build upon the partners’ previous work within the Youth in Action, Lifelong Learning and other European educational programmes.

Perfil: no age limit

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