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Duração: 10 dias de 10-10-2019 a 19-10-2019

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos

Jovens portugueses: 4

Líderes portugueses: 0

Número total de participantes: 4

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: Through our project we aim to develop the resources and competencies of youth workers in The Art of Listening in order to create profound and sustainable learning environments for supporting youth inclusion in personal, social and professional life.
The specific objectives of our project are:
1. To increase the knowledge related to social connectedness and professional inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities for 24 youth workers during the project period.
2. To enhance the skills in guiding and empowering through The Art of Listening young people with fewer opportunities on the path of professional inclusion and social connectedness for 24 youth workers, during the project period.
3. To increase the motivation of 24 youth workers to work with disadvantaged youth for their social and professional inclusion, during the project period.
4. To equip 24 youth workers with innovative and quality non-formal education methods and tools that foster the inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities, during the project period.
5. To provide youth organisations and youth workers with opportunities for cooperation and peer support, fostering quality improvements in European youth work

- discover how can we listen to the inner resources we have within. We will explore the 4 facets connected to the 4 directions of the human psyche based on the model of The Nature based Map of the Human Psyche in order to live our life from wholeness.

- explore how can we listen the others heartcenteredly by experiencing the practice of Deepening Questions, Mirroring, Tracking, The Way of Council in order to find the gifts of the stories and honouring and enabling the individual transformation.

- bring to life the hidden resources of the human self through embodiment practices and nature-based practices.

- create a commUNITY of heart-minded, dedicated people who create transformational learning environments in order to support and guide the authentic growth of all young people.

Perfil: - involved in youth work (those who are professionally involved in youth work will have a priority )
- motivation to grow as a person
- ability to communicate in English
- at least 18 years old

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