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Título: TC: Nice to meet You

Duração: 6 dias de 26-05-2019 a 31-05-2019

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos

Jovens portugueses: 3

Líderes portugueses: 0

Número total de participantes: 21

Idioma: Espanhol

Países participantes: Portugal, Grécia, Roménia, França, Croácia, Polónia, Itália

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: In our society very often we put a thick line between nondisabled people and people with disabilities. People with intellectual disabilities arouse in other people variety of emotions: from compassion, by surprise, lack of understanding, to aggression or fear. Our attitude often causes misunderstanding and reluctance of people with disabilities. Sometimes they are excluded from many activities that can help them to develop their skills and, what is also very important, to integrate with society.

The project “Nice to meet You” is a contact making seminar. It is designed to build network and cooperation among different European organizations that work with people with intellectual disabilities. The main activity of the project will be a 6-day meeting of youth workers and social workers from 8 different countries, which will: present their organizations, get to know each other, deepen their knowledge on the Erasmus+ Programme, create new ideas for international projects. We would like to discuss about situation of people with disabilities in different countries. All activities will be based on innovative non-formal education methods.

The project will be an opportunity to learn about needs and expectations of people with intellectual disabilities. Moreover, the network of links will allow to add an intercultural dimension to the organization's activities so far. Social workers and youth workers will gain a network of contacts and will be inspired by new activities within their organizations. The organizer of the project is "Asociación Multideportiva Euexia”, within the framework of the Erasmus + KA1 Program. The project will take place in May 2019 in Plasencia (Spain).

Alojamento: The accommodation, meals and activities will be free of charge for the participants, hall the cost will be supported by the host organization Asociación Multideportiva Euexia through the Erasmus+ grant provided by the European Commission.

Perfil: +18

Visita Antecipada de Planeamento

País: 0724

Descrição: Day1
 Arrivals
 Integration using non-formal methods
 Setting ground rules
 Discussing our fears & expectations
Day 2
 Bazaar of organizations – presentation of our organizations and our activities
 People with intellectual disabilities – how does their situation look like in different counties?
 Evaluation
Day 3
 ERASMUS+ opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities
 Youthpass islands – what is Youthpass? Do I really need Youthpass?
 Evaluation
 Intercultural evening (1)
Day 4
 Non-formal education methods – what are they and how can I use them in my work?
 Our future project (1) – brainstorming
 Evaluation
 Intercultural evening (2)
Day 5
 Our future project (2) - presentations & networking
 Discussing about possible challenges at work with people with intellectual disabilities
 Evaluation
Day 6
 Final evaluation
 Departures

Material Necessário: During the sessions all the participants will have the opportunity to share information about their own countries and organizations. Each national group has to bring some information about its local context regarding with working with people with intellectual disabilities and NGO presentation (ppt, posters, guides, flyers…).

For the intercultural night, please don`t forget to bring some typical food and drinks of your country, national costumes, music, videos. Bring also your flag country, please.

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