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(Etoile (Rhône-Alpes Region))


Título: TC: Every 3 days, every 8 minutes

Tema: Educational Tools and Civil Development to tackle Gender Violence

Duração: 9 dias de 16-09-2017 a 24-09-2017

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos

Jovens portugueses: 2

Líderes portugueses: 0

Número total de participantes: 18

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Roménia, França, Croácia, Hungria, Itália, Turquia, Espanha, Eslováquia

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: With this project, we try to focus on a specific problem affecting our societies and which seems to grow in a worrying way: the gender-based violence. The phenomenon of sexual violence or the killing of women by their husbands or companions seems to be a universal problem affecting, in various degree, all the European countries and not only!
It is impossible to calculate the number of acts of violence perpetrated against women by their husbands, companions and fiancés, but we know that in France, on everage, every three days a woman is killed by her man. Every eight minutes a woman is raped. The phenomenon of conjugal violence does not only concern women: in France, a man dies every 14.5 days killed by his wife or companion, but in most cases, it is an act of defense, a response to an act of violence.
In France, only one woman on 8/9 file a complaint to the police after having been the victim of violence and, for sure, the situation is not really better in other countries.
Given the severity of the situation, the question is not whether intervene, but how!!

Objectivos: Re-think our educational system with regard to the need to spread a different Gender Culture, a culture in which the relationships between children of both sex, and girl-boy/man-woman are developped on the basis of an open dialogue, self-esteem and mutual respect.
In fact, it is our intention to propose this seminar as an ideal place where to analyse and think about how to re-elaborate educational models regarding the relations women-men generally proposed by our society.

Perfil: The profile can be very diverse: youth workers, trainers, teachers, psychologists, pedagogues, social workers, representatives of institutions, NGOs and civil society, people testimony of their own experiences, activits of Human Right, etc.

In any case, participants are expected to contribute actively to the learning process through the sharing of their experiences and expertise. For this reason, the project is adressed to participants working in the educational field, who have concrete possibilities to develop/give impetus to the activities that will result from this project and who wish to improve the quality of the work of their own organizations.

Descrição: We are fully convinced that Non-Formal Education has much to say and offer with regard to the methods through which to elaborate and propose new educational models related to the gender relationship.

- To analyse the phenomenon of Gender Violence: common points, differences, specificity among the European countries. To understand better the causes of the phenomenon and get acquainted with the various measures to put in practice in Europe at different level (Institutions, Local Authorities, National Governments, associations, civil societies, associations, etc.) to tackle Gender Violence

- Social and Educational failures: where the problem lies?
Non Formal Education and New Educational Tools: when and how intervene? The role of the Non Formal Education in shaping a new Gender Education

- What is the impact of sexual violence on a woman's life? Learning to talk about it (and not hide!) to fight against stigmatisation, banalisation, the “social acceptance” of Gender Violence

- Self-esteem, dialogue, interpersonal relationship’s capacity, recognition of “the other” and mutual respect, active listening, ability to seek help, empathy and management of the emotional sphere the indispensable ingredients of a Training path to manage/overcoming Gender conflicts. Development of personal skills and competences. Methods: learning by doing.

- Towards a Gender Culture. Exchange of good practices and reflection on educational and training methods based on proactive methods empathy and the change of point of view. To shape a Gender Culture… what is necessary to do?

- After the seminar (follow-up and new local initiatives): to play a multiplier role!

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