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Título: Drive it to success

Duração: 5 dias de 11-07-2017 a 15-07-2017

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos

Jovens portugueses: 2

Líderes portugueses: 0

Número total de participantes: 24

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Polónia, Roménia, Malta, República Checa, Lituânia, Reino Unido, Itália, Espanha, Bulgária, Letónia, Turquia

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: The aim of running the seminar "Drive it to success" is to establish the permanent and ef-fective partnership among associations hailing from 13 countries like Poland, Turkey, Malta, Romania, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Latvia and Lithuania. This initial meeting will be attended by 30 participants, leaders and facilitators representing 14 partner organizations.

Working sessions during the project will result in the exchange of mutual experiences, capacities and ideas for new upcoming activities. We will pay significant attention to the initiatives dedicated to the social integration of the underprivileged people and to the projects involved with sports or fitness as practi-cal methods of work.
Seminar will be carried out through the means of informal education - workshops, presentations, simulations and case studies.

All these activities are set to support the process of acquaintance and development of new project concepts. In the aftermath of this seminar we will conclude with new initiatives and projects organized within framework of Erasmus + program.

Alojamento: During the main part of our project You will be accommodated in a guesthouse with 2-3 bedded rooms.
All costs related to accommodation, and food (3 meals per day- breakfast, lunch, supper and 2 coffee breaks) will be covered by project’s budget.
If there’s any person with special diet/ allergies, please inform us about this. It is especially important for us to know about diets/allergies/special needs.

Perfil: The participants are themselves responsible to get a travel insurance. If anyone who uses medicine should bring with themselves. We don’t give any medicines and we don’t cover insurance fees.

Material Necessário: Comfortable clothes and shoes for workshops which we will organize in indoor and outdoor atmosphere depending on weather, slippers. Camera and laptop also would be very useful during main activities. Photos will be taken during project by our team as well and at the end of the project we will share on-line with all partner organizations before departure.

Traditional food, drink and souvenirs for intercultural evenings activities.

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