(Timisoara )
Título: Storytelling in Action
Tema: Non-formal method of education Storytelling, Non-formal method of education Social Animation Education, Self-Empowerment, Self- Discovery, Working with disadvantages children.
Duração: 9 dias de 27-06-2015 a 05-07-2015
Idades dos participantes: Dos 15 aos 18 anos
Jovens portugueses: 4
Líderes portugueses: 1
Número total de participantes: 20
Idioma: Inglês
Países participantes: Portugal, Roménia, Bulgária, Letónia
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.
Resumo: Storytelling in Action” is a youth exchange that will gather 20 young people coming from 5 different European countries, aged 15-18 years old, that will take place in Romania, Timisoara from 27th of June to 5th of July 2015.
The project aims at making the young people become aware of their needs and abilities, will acquire the necessary skills and gain confidence in expressing their feelings and needs, thus, being able to see their passions and interests as a mean of being pro-active in their community.
During the 6 days of the youth exchange the young people will experience different tools of non-formal education such as: a whole day of self-discovery activities; experiencing Social Animation Education and Storytelling as a way to express their passions and interests.
The young people will spend a whole day in a foster center where they will be in contact with the disadvantaged children and will organize and facilitate in groups for the children living there some storytelling sessions with the help of the tools like: shadow theatre, origami, voice and non-verbal communication, drumming, drawing, dance.
Objectivos: By the end of the project 20 young people, aged 15-18 years old, coming from 5 different countries will become aware of their needs and abilities, will acquire the necessary skills and gain confidence in expressing their feelings and needs, thus, being able to see their passions and interests as a mean of being pro-active in their community.
Perfil: young people aged 15-18 years old that want to have an international living experience, that are willing to contribute to their own personal growth and are willing to work with children from foster homes.