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(Villa del Rio)


Título: Arte e Democracia

Tema: arte, democracia

Duração: 8 dias de 10-08-2014 a 17-08-2014

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 7

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 24

Idioma: Espanhol

Países participantes: Portugal, Espanha, Itália

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: This project aims to encourage the curiosity of young people to the knowledge of the European Union and also the learning of their roots, peoples and cultures, through knowledge of the most
important artistic events and cultural movements that occurred in the birth of modern
democracy, and that have illustrated the historical reality and the characteristics of the
society of his time.
It’s also intended to introduce participants to the knowledge and enjoyment of the cultural
resources of the area and generate attitudes of respect and to those elements which constitute
a factor of social bond, intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding between groups from
diverse backgrounds, and fostering relationships.
So, each group will present the artistic and history reality of their country and they also
will promote dynamic and leisure activities, as well as others games and activities related to
their culture, gastronomy and language. We also have programed outdoor activities and cultural
The arrival day is Sunday (10/08) and departure on Sunday (17/08). Each country should bring 7
participants plus 1 group leader, and age is between 18-25. The language used is Italian,
Portuguese and Spanish.

Material Necessário: Comfortable clothing (good walking shoes)
- Swimsuit and towel
- Shower towel
- Camera
- Sunscreen and hat
- Some typical food of your country (for delivery in the multicultural dinner).

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