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(Cruz Quebrada)


Título: We Are Europe

Tema: Cidadania Europeia

Duração: 12 dias de 03-08-2015 a 14-08-2015

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 7

Líderes portugueses: 2

Número total de participantes: 72

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Espanha, França, Estónia, Roménia, Grécia, Bulgária, Itália

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: We wish that this activity become a special moment in every participant’s personal life, as a result of the share of culture, experiences among all participants.
During this time, the young people will take part in several activities under the main topics of European Awareness and Education through sport and outdoor activities. Each day there will be a subject regarding Europe and activities to explore that subject. Some examples are European Citizenship, Culture, Heritage, Sports, Youth or Environment.
The young people will have the chance to know the local community and to have contact with the Portuguese culture and habits and share at the same time their own culture with the other members of the group. It’s also planned a “Market of Cultures” where each group will present his own country and culture to the community.
In the end of the youth exchange we hope that the young people become more aware of their role in the society and about the importance of Intercultural Dialogue to reach one more inclusive Europe. We also hope that this can be the beginning of several individual and group projects in each participant home town.
Throughout the project duration young people will participate in creative workshops, group building activities, country presentations, an excursion, group discussions, meeting local volunteers.
They will explore different techniques, new ways of expressing trough sports. Participants will also spend a day with local community, where they will have an opportunity to get to know more about Portugal and our reality.

Alojamento: The participants will be accommodated in Casa Europa, this is a new space that is still being prepared to host the participants, it was an old primary School that is being converted in accommodation.

The bedrooms are multiple and there are bathrooms and showers available. There is a common area and a kitchen.

We provide bed clothes, towels.

Internet Wi-Fi connection is available at Casa Europa.

Visita Antecipada de Planeamento

Duração: 3 dias de 05-06-2015 a 08-06-2015

País: 0620

Cidade: Cruz Quebrada

Participantes portugueses 2 Líder


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