Título: EVS = teamwork
Tema: EVS, Social Inclusion
Duração: 5 dias de 24-09-2013 a 28-09-2013
Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 30 anos
Jovens portugueses: 1
Líderes portugueses: 0
Número total de participantes: 4
Idioma: Inglês
Países participantes: Portugal, Holanda, Finlândia, Noruega
Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.
Resumo: Spring 2013 Dutch EVS organisations went to Portugal for a
intensive and interesting EVS study visit. The organisations met
Portuguese EVS organisations and the discussions about EVS were
important and inspiring. In September 2013 there will be a follow
up in the Netherlands. For this visit we would like to extend the
number of countries. Therefore also EVS organisations from
Finland and Norway are invited to take part.
The international study visit is meant for active EVS send- and host
organisations. The main topics will be:
- What is a good and professional EVS organisation and how
can you improve EVS activities.
- how to get the most out of EVS for the volunteers and your
- how to involve inclusion youngsters,
- how can you get the best out of the partnerships with other
EVS organisations.
Alojamento: Den Haag
The Netherlands
Lodging will be in double bedrooms
Perfil: The study visit is open for 5 participants per country from Portugal,Finland and Norway and their NA EVS project officer. Participants are actively involved in EVS and are willing to learn from other organisations and willing to share their best and worst practices.
The participants:
- Have experience with EVS
- Are interested how to involve inclusion volunteers
Descrição: - Visits to Dutch EVS organisations, also dealing with inclusion,
- Group work and discussions.
- Networking with Dutch organisations.
It will be a practical visit and your active participation is mostly