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Título: Science Dragons and Bats

Duração: 7 dias de 22-09-2013 a 28-09-2013

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 4

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 45

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Grécia, Polónia, Roménia, Espanha, Malta, Itália, Estónia, Bulgária

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: Nevertheless, many young people need to be particularly
motivated for this field. Doing practical experiments is one way
to achieve motivation. In this practical exchange show examples
of such experiments covering the fields of Physics, Chemistry,
Biology or Technology. Participants may perform experiments by
themselves or watch/visit demonstrations/institutions-labs of
experiments, which are easy to be performed and show
important aspects of our daily life.

Our young people must understand the importance of science in
the 21st century and Science has the power to open up so many
career paths for our young people.
- How is science used in everyday life? It is all around us all of the time!

From an early age, we interact with our environment, asking questions and seeking answers. This question-and-answer process lies at the heart of knowing and doing science. The importance of science in our daily lives may not be obvious, yet we make science-based choices every day.

Science is involved when we choose what to eat, or choose products with the least impact on the environment or make informed decisions about our health-care. Science is the foundation of an innovative culture and at the core of significant political decisions.

Participants may perform experiments by themselves or watch/visit
demonstrations/institutions-labs of experiments, which are easy to be performed and show important aspects of our daily life.

Objectivos: Do something creative; do science
Natural sciences & technology influence our daily life intensively.

Perfil: All partners participate with 4 persons (age group: 18-25, some exceptions its possible to arrange it, please advice first) + 1 group leader (no age limit 18+)

Download: PROGRAM_EN.doc

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