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(Curtea de Arges)


Título: TraditiON

Duração: 9 dias de 01-08-2013 a 09-08-2013

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 4

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 25

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Roménia, Polónia, França, Turquia

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.


Most of the activities took place outdoors, lead both by the team leaders and participants with initiative. We discussed about concrete cases of Community Supported Agriculture, bio coops, sustainability and a sustainable lifestyle. As the weather was nice, we stayed indoors just for the necessary activities which were static, such as the presentation where we needed a projector. Fortunately the weather allowed us to stay outside, against the forecast which scared us just before we started. The methods were diverse and included team building, inclusion, group discussions about what was understood and settling the knowledge, graphic representations either in a play, imaginarium of possible alternative communities where they live… non formal, reflexive :)

We cooked together. Each team, representing a country, involved the others in the cooking of various traditional dishes.

In the images uploaded on the website you can see part of the recipes cooked, from each country. The result: delicious! We can be proud that in the feedback forms we got the maximum for the food chapter and traditional recipes prepared.

Play and playing. We could point a finger at those that eat food which is not nourishing, do not read what is written on the labels of the products bought or they buy even without understanding what the ingredients are, but they will not be sensitized. The effect is most of the times the opposite. We could even be told to mind our own plate. And they are right. But so are we. Thus, we found an alternative: the discussion started from a game, about food and related topics. So we played and played to get all to the same level of knowledge about the logic of the games in general, in order to follow the necessary steps for creating a game: Carcassonne, Dixit, TopATop, Planet Cleaners and others and introduce the elements we have learned about sustainability, collaboration, stereotypes, healthy eating, genetically modified organisms, diabetes, local and global.

Making the games. During several presentation sessions we followed the stage of the games and the teams received feedback from the entire group. At the end each team managed to create a game, having a total of 4 functional games which are now used for educational purpose including. The young participants were ingenious and created certificated, roulettes, missions, dice, and all that was necessary to complete the idea that started from ‘food’ and ‘cooperation’. They have chosen alternative methods of payment, with fruits, vegetables etc.

Getting to know Maramures. Young people had the occasion to interact with the villagers and see the beauty of this area: the Bârsana Monastery, a wood carving studio, The Pain Memorial in Sighet, the Happy Cemetery from Săpânța, Peri Monastery, the city of Sighet. Maramureș is a wonderful region, full of tradition, a specific language and warm people with soft spoken attitude, traditional way of dressing and delicious meals.

Evening at the fire camp. Each national group had, besides the traditional cooking lunch, an evening where to present more thoroughly their country.. In the evening when the Latvian team did that, we also had a fire camp where different stories were told.

Este projeto vai ser realizado nos mesmos moldes do ano anterior: http://tradition-updated.startfocus.org/en/

The idea

Starting from ”food” or ”nurture’ and having questions about the way we feed ourselves, we got to the TraditiON updated concept.

The purpose of the project:

Development of solidarity and the promotion of tolerance among young people from the participanting countries through raising their awareness about the importance of a responsible consumption of the everyday food and of the culinary traditions.

Project objectives:

• to learn about gastronomical traditions in different countries through experiential learning;
• to learn how to read the labels of food products;
• to provide learning of young people through the different methods of non formal education; we will also use the games we have created in the previous edition;
• to provide space for participants' learning about media and communication;
• to create a video as a result of the exchange and as a learning tool to be used for multiplication of the project;
• to raise the awareness about the European citizenship and the rights that come with it;
• to raise the awareness on information obtained from food."

4 types of games which can be used in educational activities were created and you can find them in the section The games. Part of them are board games, part of them are card games.

We wish our idea to be sustainable and multiply. Like this can be facilitates the introduction into the theme that guided us along the way( rural- urban, art& culture) and be inclusive, to be multiplied either on other types of traditions , such us dances, music, traditional clothes and life. In Romania we are continuing in the southern part and will continue in the rest of the countries, focused on regions. We started with such a wonderful area as Maramureș, rich in traditions kept and transmitted throughout time, including the culinary art, combined with social inclusion and spicing it with discussion on rural and urban connections related to food, traditional growing, genetically modified organisms and sustainable lifestyle. The rest of the country is as beautiful!

Alojamento: Just to let people know it will take place : http://tradition-updated.startfocus.org/en/news/the-second-tradition-updated-takes-place-in-muntenia-romania/ . This especially as the website contains updated information.

Group: 4 participants and 1 group leader, The group leader comes both to the APV and the YE. He/she must have previous experience with youth exchanges, at least as a participant.

Visita Antecipada de Planeamento

Duração: 2 dias de 17-05-2013 a 19-05-2013

País: 173

Cidade: Curtea de Arges

Participantes portugueses 1 Líder


Visita Antecipada de Planeamento (APV)

Vai participar o lider de cada país envolvido no intercâmbio.

The role of the APV is to accommodate the group leaders with each other's work style and with the place where the activities will take place, verifying the last details before bringing the young participants, checking whether the kitchen and the dining area allows us to host 30 people as the owners of the place mentioned, making sure there is one bed per person, space for the courses and what are the necessities, the task division, who will do what, to involve all the partners in the project, who will organize the ice breaking activities, who will make ideas for group building or intercultural evening, like in each day of activity each of groups and leaders have their task. We consider the APV for a harmonious collaboration during the activity days and further on in the dissemination and evaluation phase.

17 of May

16:00 Arrival and accommodation

17:00 Get to know each other: Let's get it started – review of all the activities that will take place during the Advance Planning Visit. Getting to know the place where the participants will be hosted during the activities of the project and checking all the necessities to develop the activities in the desired conditions.

18:30 Discussions on the established schedule for the exchange and finishing the logistics details that must be done

20:00 Dinner

18 of May

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 Meeting potential suppliers for materials during the workshops(local agriculture producers)

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Visit to the host that will prepare a traditional emonstrative dish specific for summer

13:00 Lunch

15:00 Final agenda consensus(revision of activities and methods, task division)

17:00 Coffee break

17:30 Conclusions and feedback(as detailed as necessary)

20:00 Dinner

19 of May

8:00 Breakfast

9:00 See you again soon!

Material Necessário: We will not buy alcohol. The legal age for consumption of alcohol in Romania is >18 . Expenses for alcohol are not refunded. Please make sure you are not buying a lot of alcohol, and strong one also, for your national evening. Everyone's limit is different. For the national evenings, please bring 1 bottle, maximum 2, especially if it is strong.

NO DRUGS shall be consumed during the youth exchange. It is very important for the whole group that we enjoy our activities and our new friends without using drugs. In Romania the consumption is illegal

Download: 172 - Schedule YE TraditiON.xlsx

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