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(Gorj County)


Título: My Culture - Your Culture - Our Culture

Duração: 8 dias de 24-07-2013 a 31-07-2013

Idades dos participantes: Dos 15 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 5

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 30

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Turquia, Roménia, Itália, Hungria

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: During the actual exchange, the activities and working methods will include:

Working with a mixed group of youngsters , that come from five different countries, with totally different cultures, customes and traditions, with different backgrounds asks for a different approach than working with a homogeneous group in a national or local context.

The activities that are to be developed during the project take into consideration all these and seeks to achieve the objectives of the project.

These activities will consist in:

- games of getting to know each other and icebreakers

- cultural games and art workshops

- citizenship Café

- role playing games

- roundtable discussion and lectures

- cultural visits

At the beginning of the program we will stress on icebreakers and getting to know each other games in order to establish a relaxed and safe-breeding environment. These activities will help us reach the group cohesion giving the participants a good feeling of being together and breaking the cultural barriers between them.

Citizenship Café – The idea for this activity is to set up a space where all the participants of the project can meet informally, after the activities, to play, to have fun together, to discuss, to relax. The aim of the citizen café is to develop group dynamics and help the group development:

- give the participants the possibility to continue the discussions started during the sessions in a more informal environment

- give the participants the possibility to express their creativity and to show their abilities and competencies

- promoting communication and breaking barriers

The workshops developed during the program will seek to bring the participants together, teach them to work in a team, share experience and responsibilities in order to achieve the best results as well to discover new skills, abilities attitudes and values. The workshops will be constructed having as central theme art and culture diversity.

The role playing games and the cultural games will consist in simulation of the intercultural reality, where the participants will find themselves in different situations and will have to cope with the different ways of living and understand different concepts and ideas related to the society. They will have as main goals:

- to reflect over participants’ perceptions on different minorities

- rising the awareness on tolerance limits

- to make participants aware of the prejudices in themselves and others

- to promote solidarity, equality and justice

These activities will demand participation and involvement so that the participants will gain experience through which they learn not only with their heads but also with their hearts and hands.

Through participation the youngsters will develop various competences, including those of decision-making, listening, empathy with and respect for others, taking responsibility for their own decisions and actions.

Parallel with the activities, the management team will meet every evening to asses the day and plan to the very detail the activities of the next day.

In terms of monitoring and evaluation, we will evaluate the impact of the activity on daily basis, using: open discussions following the role play games and sessions, "mood map" of the day (each participant will stick on a big poster a sad/happy/exciting face, according to its mood) but also a written evaluation at the end of the project.

All activities of the project employ non formal learning methods, methods that will involve directly the youngsters.

The learning of the participants will take place through "learning by doing" and "learning by seeing/experiencing".

In what regards the participants involvement: Before the project, the participants will be actively involved during the group preparation. They will have the opportunity to get to know each other, to learn about the other groups that will join the project, about the activity programme and the things they will have to prepare. We are also going to provide them with the contact details of the other participants (e-mail address – for the ones that have) and encourage them to contact the other participants before. As mentioned we will make a facebook page of the project and send invitations to all participants.

During the project itself, the youngsters will have the occasion to discuss the issues (of concern to their own countries and the partner ones), from a variety of perspectives, including ones that may be contrary to their own. Their values may be challenged by people who have different but just as firm believes.

Indeed, in an international context, the discussions and exchanges of opinions can help to address profound contradictions between and within identities. Hence, the presence of difference and otherness, and addressing it explicitly in the context of the exchange, can unlock a process whereby the individual can become more aware of issues of racial and discrimination concern.

The process of awareness rising refers not only to gaining factual knowledge, but also to gaining sensitivity and empathy for other’s values and problems.

The main involvement of the participants will be during the activities after which:

- they will learn to know oneself, one’s own abilities, possibilities, desires, aims and to asses one’s own social situation;

- they become aware of one’s own social situation, through knowledge of relationships, interest and origins, through detailed observation and analysis of the social environment

- they will enhance their communication skills, the verbalization of one’s feelings and interests, experiences and observations as well as familiarity with the symbols of verbal and non-verbal language, and understanding of the conditions inherent in forms of communication and skills in meta-communication;

- They will accept the others as being equal, with equal rights and equal abilities

The participant’s ideas and opinions will mean a lot for them and for our organization in the process of developing future projects. These conclusions will come out from the evaluation process that will take place both during the program and in the end of the exchange.

The evaluation process is supposed to be undertaken also by all the participants involved, in which they will state their conclusions related to all the activities of the project.

The follow-up of the project is to be completed by the participants themselves – they will have to cooperate and develop a new frame for the continuity of this exchange, multiply the results achieved through the ongoing activities in their civil societies and organizations.

Objectivos: we are going to have three workshop on painting, carving in wood and pottering.

Perfil: since it is a project that is about art it would be great that all participants have some minor experience with art or talent

Descrição: The human beings are all different in many ways and can be identified according to many criteria: gender, age, physical characteristics, sexual orientations, personalities, hobbies, standard of living, beliefs, financial status, social problems…

Our organization area of work is directly linked to culture promotion, heritage preservation and development of community cultural values. Hence we identified the need of looking at the cultural interaction between young people who are different, their lifestyles, values and cultures and the relationships between majorities and minorities in our societies.

By bringing together five different groups from five different cultures, with totally different cultural backgrounds and traditions we will create a perfect context for sharing, learning and experience cultural values and cultural heritage.

We will be working from the basis of difference: seeing different viewpoints, ideas, values and behaviors as the starting points from which to work towards common ground. Through the interaction of differences it is possible to reach new solutions and arrive at new principles for action.

"My Culture, Your Culture, Our Culture" is a multilateral cultural exchange that will gather together 32 participants: 25 youngsters, 5 group leaders, a manager and a project assistant, participants coming from Romania, Turkey, Italy, Portugal and Hungary.

The multicultural exchange will be hosted in Gorj County, Romania and aims to provide the participants the opportunity to experience, share and learn about other cultures, customs and traditions.

The youngsters will experience during this 7 days multilateral exchange the wonderful intercultural diversity of each country involved and will learn to accept the difference in a constructive and creative way; discussing, working together and become friends.

The methods that we will use during the programme to reach the project aim will consist of: getting to know each-other games, cultural visits, intercultural workshops, discussions and cultural games. Following the project, the participants will learn more about core cultural values and artists (presentations, visits, seminars), experience and /or develop skills in art during paining, sculpture, wood carving and ceramics workshop, play, interact, break intercultural barriers and make new friends.

The European Citizenship priority of the programme will be addressed during the open discussions that will point out to common European values ( active participation, equal rights, nondiscrimination, etc) which will be tackled by participants during the role playing games, citizens cafe and workshops.

Download: 160 - Agenda My culture, Your Culture, Our Culture.doc

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