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(San Giorgio del Sannio)


Título: ARTCOM: Art for Communicating

Duração: 14 dias de 20-08-2013 a 02-09-2013

Idades dos participantes: Dos 16 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 5

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 12

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Itália

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: “ARTCOM: Art for Communicating” is a project of cultural exchange promoted by the cultural association Quinto Elemento. The chosen place and dates for the experience is a countryside in San Giorgio del Sannio, a small town close to the city of Benevento, in the south of Italy, from the 20th of August to the 2nd of September 2013. ARTCOM is a multilateral exchange about art, culture and European awareness in which the countries involved are Italy, Portugal, Romania and Greece. Five people and a group leader from each country are invited to participate in order to share a unique experience towards the research and, consequently, discovery of a new way to communicate in the world throughout their differences and their belonging to the European Community. This kind of route will be done thanks to the help of team building, input requirement and becoming aware activities, thanks to the interaction with the community where people are hosted, thanks to challenging and self development activities.

Everything will be done with a peer-to-peer approach and using both indoor and outdoor activities. One of the tools used to go along this way is a final performance - it is going to take place in the center of the close city of Benevento - totally realized by the participants thanks to the help of some young expert people from Italy. This performance will be at the same time the occasion to share with the community of Benevento the results of the whole project and, for the participants, to undestand the place in which they're hosted and where they're acting.

Perfil: We need for musicians in general, theatre actors and theatre workers (scenography, coreography ...), dancers, people that are acrobatic and juggling players, people experienced with multimedia tools as well as with video making and taking, painters and designers.

2 boys + 2 girls

Visita Antecipada de Planeamento

Duração: 2 dias de 28-06-2013 a 30-06-2013

País: 159

Participantes portugueses 1 Líder

Descrição: Considering the main themes of this exchange (stimulating a different way of communicating through art, accenting the cultural differences in order to use the european awareness in an useful way for mediating) it's important clarifying which one will be the basic working method associated to the activities in programme.

First of all, peer-to-peer approach will be the basis in order to create a confident relationship among the participants and the organisational team. Everyone could suggest something for improving the project and everybody could give input for the activities and their realization. Then, using both indoor and outdoor activities we want to reach the goal in order to put the whole group in communication not only with itself but with the local community as well. In this way, communicating with the local community, discovering where the youth exchange is taking place and developing awareness about the nature that will surround the participants, we will find the best way to espress ourselves through art.
Art! Yes!!!

Because art will be the common language, the common passion, the common curiosity of the participants. It will be used by the participants for learning and for understanding what the world wants to tell us and what they want to tell. Developing art just throughout creativity, spontaneousness, games, words, thoughts, glances, moviments of the body and life experiences sharing will be a way to create a different way to make art and to build an innovative way to share it. Among the others, the game will be an important element for creating challenges: gaming is a way to work thanks to the single participant or a group might lose themselves. The goals of using gaming in this kind of activities are getting more knowledge and skills to work with groups in the field of youth and creating situations in which participants will be wrong for undestanding the best way to find a solution for the problems generated from their mistakes.

For the whole exchange, the recourse to the gymnastics (morning gymnastics are foreseen for the whole project) will be a way to energize the group in the first hours ofthe morning.

In the first part of ARTCOM we will focus our attention on the group and its building. So
that, name games and team building activities in order to start in managing the participants' wish to stay and to cooperate in the big group. Although there is a string push towards the team building, we will not forget the person and its awareness and spontaneity: some activities are in programme for giving to each participant the opportunity to discover her/himself and start from this point to get in a deep touch with the all the rest of the group. In this first part of the project, we will be also involved in four Art Workshop: music, body art and dance, graphic arts and theatre workshops. All the participants will be involved in each workshop. The aim of these workshops is giving to the youngsters involved in Art for Communicating the necessary inputs for creating piece of art that can be used in the final performance.

Between the first and the second part of the project there's an outdoor camp for getting in touch with the nature and local community. In this camp, beyond a middle evaluation, the partecipants will have the opportunity to create and partecipate in an outdoor workshop about communication and art.

The second part of the project will be dedicated to the performances in general and to the final performance that will take place in Benevento on the 31th of August 2013. So, beyond some activities that will be arranged for stimulating the creativity and the wish to do always something more, the participants will have time and space and tools for creating their performances as well as the equipments for them (participants will create their necessary equipment for performances throughout a recycling and reusing workshop).

All along ARTCOM there will be national evening for all the countries involved in the project as well as an European evening and a local night (managing the national evening before the arrival in Italy is necessary for undestanding the stuffs needed for it).

Material Necessário: - Clothes and shoes suitable for indoor and outdoor activities. Please bring enough
clothes, washing facilities are not provided, but you can hand-wash, of course
- A white t-shirt and trousers on which it's possible drawing
- Musical instruments, scene/artistic clothes, juggling tools, dancing shoes, making-up
stuffs and whatever you need for realizing the different performances
- Camera and multimedia stuffs if you really need and if you're experienced in working
with them
- Rainy clothes
- Sleeping bag and thin gym mattress if you like the comfort
- A backpack for outdoor activities
- Food, beverages and whatever you need for your national evening and for enjoying
the exchange sharing the tastes and flavour from your own country
- Your original tickets for the entire trip and the invoice for it
- Your travel insurance contract and a legible copy of it
- Your passport or ID and two clearly legible copies of it

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