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Título: The message of us

Tema: The dreams of Youngs

Duração: 10 dias de 07-09-2012 a 16-09-2012

Idades dos participantes: Dos 18 aos 25 anos

Jovens portugueses: 6

Líderes portugueses: 1

Número total de participantes: 28

Idioma: Inglês

Países participantes: Portugal, Turquia, Polónia, Lituânia

Candidatura: Para te poderes candidatar tens de fazer o teu login. Se ainda não estás registado faz o teu registoprimeiro.

Resumo: Uma mensagem da juventude para o mundo. Este intercâmbio dá voz aos jovens! Como? Workshosps divertidos e excursões que vão dar a conhecer a cultura deste país a todos os participantes deste intercâmbio na Turquia.

Visita Antecipada de Planeamento

Duração: 3 dias de 10-08-2012 a 13-08-2012

País: 182

Participantes portugueses 1 Líder

Descrição: Our project is Youth 1.1 Multilateral Partnership. Project will be in Amasya, Turkey. The project partners are Turkey (host country), Lithuania, Italy, Romania, and Poland.

Each country will participate with 6 youngs and 1 group leader. Main themes of our project are; to bring together the youngs who live in different countries of EU, to express the main problems of young people, to emphasize the need of peace, and dangers of unemployment and poverty, to support European citizenship and basic values, such as human rights, democracy, social state, etc. , to develop cultural relations by learning about other cultures, so we aim to create European awareness among the participants.

We aim to get the participation of all the young people and to support the cooperation of young people.

We aim to give opportunity to the participants to explain their culture, country, and people. So, we will manage to get the cultural diversity in our project.

We will ensure to have at least 2 participants who are economically, or socially disadvantaged from each country.

The project meeting will last 8 days between 8-15 September 2012.

We will have a preparatory visit to discuss the project activities, and aims between the dates 10-13 August 2012.

The project activities will be; ice-breaker and group formation acitivities, presentations of the countries and cultures, presentations of sayings of famous people in partner countries about peace, presentations of good examples of the activities for unemployment and poverty in partner countries, workshop to ensure and keep peace in Europe, Workshop for "What are the basic problems of young people?", Workshop-"What are the reasons of poverty and unemployment in the World?", Art Workshop- Painting with the theme"The dreams of Youngs" , visiting charity organizations and institutions in Amasya, mixed workshops about unemployment and suggestions, organizing a picnic, excursions to historical and geographic places of Amasya, organizing intercultural night, welcome and goodbye parties, and closing meeting, group leaders' meeting will be everyday.

We will use non-formal education methods during these activities. We will have CD’s, a booklet (about project results, outputs, and activities), brochures to disseminate the results of this project.

Download: ACTIVITY PLAN- The Message of Us!.doc

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